WW3 Supply/Survival list. (you will only need to survive WW3 less than 4 years because Christ is coming in 2028, at the 6000thyear.com). 1.FOOD - MRE - Meals Ready to Eat food supply. Canned goods, bulk food. Grow Food - seeds, gardening tools, agro knowledge. 2.Water Supply - water filters , brita, Berkey, Alexa water filters a must! Get gutter parts to divert roof water into rainbarrels or into water tote collection (optional solar panel powered 12 volt water pump into plumbing system from water tote). 3. Potassium Iodide 130 MG for adults. 65 MG for children. Order online. Fills thyroid with healthy potassium, so there's no room to ingest radioactive potassium. 4. Guns, Ammo, security measures 5. Heat source - wood burning fireplace if good wood supply. Stock up on propane (propane heater) if urban. 6. HEALTH - Medicine and Supplements to help immune system. Aspirin, IBProfen, first aid kit, Vitamin C, Spirulina, Shilajit, Ashwagandha, NAC, Glutathion, etc. G...
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